7 golden rules for hiring professional pest control

7 golden rules for hiring professional pest control

Considering the weather and temperatures of the region, Idaho homeowners are often not surprised about the presence of pests and rodents. Because you don’t see any imminent harm from pests right now, it doesn’t mean you should ignore the problem. Call a professional company, such as Barrier Pest Control in Boise, soon after spotting the first signs of pest infestation. In this post, we are sharing 7 golden rules for hiring professional exterminators.

  1. Ensure that the company is licensed. All exterminators must be licensed and should have necessary permissions. There is no harming in asking questions related to the work profile of the concerned pest control company.
  2. Ask for references. If an exterminator claims to be among the best in business in Idaho, they must have enough clients. Get references and call a few of them, to know more about their personal experiences.
  3. Don’t forget to discuss insurance. A pest control company should have insurance. The inherent nature of an exterminator’s job is risky, and if any mishap happens, the same may end up as your implied liability. Besides workers’ compensation insurance, you need to check if the company has liability insurance.
  4. Get an estimate after inspection. If an exterminator gives an estimate on the phone, ignore them right away. Unless the pest control company has checked the nature and extent of infestation, do not expect a fair estimate.
  5. Ask about expertise. A pest control company may only work for specific tasks. Ask them about pests they typically deal with, including the methods and products used by them. Over the years, the concept of pest control has evolved considerably.
  6. Consider sustainable pest control. Pesticides and chemicals used for pest control are often very harmful for The Planet. Today, many exterminators are trying for means, methods, and products that don’t have an adverse impact on the environment. Also, ensure that the products are safe for pets and kids.
  7. Ask for warranty. No matter the type of job at hand, expect the exterminator to offer some assurance on the work. For selected jobs, you can expect a warranty, subject to terms and conditions. If the pest control company has promised anything, you should check for that in the written contract.

Finally, do check if the exterminator has a physical address and office in Idaho. Most pest control services have websites these days, where you can find reviews and other relevant details.