3 Ideas For Creating New Space In And Around Your Home In Harrogate.

affordable builders

When you initially bought your home, both you and your partner must have thought that it was going to be big enough for your immediate needs and your needs further down the road. However, 10 years have passed and life has changed and now you have extra people in your life that you didn’t really plan for before. This means that you need more space and so you have 2 options. You either move to a larger property or you make changes to your current one. The latter is definitely the cheaper option and moving away from the area is just not going to happen.

This is a time when you need an expert and there are a few affordable builders in Harrogate who can help create that extra space that you so dearly need. Here are some ideas to begin with.

  1. An extension onto your current property would create the extra room that you want for a kitchen or dining room. Planning permission will be required and the consent of your neighbours, but after that your builder can complete the job.
  2. The attic at the top of your home is a space that has been under-utilised. Your local builder could transform this space into an extra bedroom and what kid doesn’t want to sleep at the top of the house.
  3. A conservatory is another great option and it can be erected quite quickly. Generally speaking, conservatories don’t need planning permission and the mainly glass construction allows so much light to come into the room.

Space can be created in your current home. You just need to talk to your local builder to find out what he can create for you.